It's official - Sam Asghari and Britney Spears are engaged to be married, and people are crawling out of the woodwork to share their feelings about them taking the next step towards their future together. Among those that have shared their opinions of this relationship, is none other than Sam Asghari's ex-girlfriend, Mayra Verónica. Mayra was romantically linked to Sam Asghari before he met Britney Spears.
She has recently opened up to the press to dish all the dirt about Sam Asghari and how she feels about the fact that he has just committed is future to Britney, and as it turns out, there really isn't any dirt to dish at all. She was asked to share her thoughts about the couples' relationship, and according to Us Weekly, she had a whole lot to share with her fans, and most of it was incredibly positive. Here's what Sam's ex has to say about the future he is about to embark on...
8 Sam 'Hit The Jackpot'
Mayra began her discussion about Sam and Britney's relationship by boldly declaring that Sam Asghari has "hit the jackpot" with Britney Spears. Almost immediately, fans correlated this to be a direct reference to discussions of a prenup that had taken over the headlines in recent days, but she was quick to clarify that she was not referencing money at all. The Blast indicates that Mayra has a lot of respect for Britney Spears, and that she holds her in high esteem.
7 Wait, Britney Hit The Jackpot, Too
Just to be sure that fans didn't get the wrong idea about the "jackpot" comment, as quickly as she uttered that line about Sam, she also shot out the same information about Britney, saying that Spears has "hit the jackpot too."
Shifting the focus from finances to personality traits, Mayra clarified that she thinks they are both incredible people and that presumes this to be the final relationship that either of them embarks on. She went on to say that she feels Britney has also hit the jackpot, and she continued by writing a series of very kind comments about Sam's incredible heart and generous, genuine character.
6 Sam's Ex-Girlfriend Is Very Happy For Them
As far as jealous exes go, it doesn't appear that Mayra Verónica has a jealous bone in her body when she thinks about her ex-boyfriend and Britney Spears being together. She seems completely at ease with the fact that she and Sam had broken up, and she went so far so to say that she is truly and honestly happy for the lovebirds. She mentioned that she wished them well a number of times during her interviews with the press and seems to be in favor of Sam Asghari and Britney Spears seeking to grow their lives together.
5 Britney Spears Is With The 'Right Guy'
One of the most memorable things that Mayra said when she was asked about what she thought of Britney and Sam's union, she went on to say that she really feels Sam is well-suited for Britney in every way. She went on to say, "He was always super, super supportive, so I think she’s with the right guy.” Having her blessing may not carry a lot of weight to the lovebirds, but the mere fact that Mayra is supportive of this union, speaks volumes about how well-suited for one another they truly are.
4 Mayra Verónica Hopes They Last Forever
Mayra Verónica is really full of love and support for Britney Spears and Sam Asghari, and she is very happy to see them take this next step towards spending the rest of their lives together. She has gone on to publicly wish them both a lifetime full of happiness together, and she is rooting for them to go the long haul. Despite the fact that Hollywood marriages don't exactly have the best odds of working out, Mayra thinks that Sam and Britney really do have what it takes to last forever.
3 Sam Asghari Is Really As Charming As He Seems
It's hard for fans to know what their favorite stars are actually like behind the scenes, but Mayra can confirm that when it comes to Sam Asghari, he is truly the real deal. She went on to say that she can validate the fact that Sam Asghari is really as nice as he appears on social media. It's not all a facade in any way, he is just a very kind, considerate, supportive person, and she has experienced this first-hand. Mayra made it clear that Sam is a very kind, gentle man that is really as charming in person as he seems to be while in front of the cameras.
2 Britney 'Needs This'
It seems that Mayra has a whole lot of confidence in Sam Asghari. She is aware of the fact that Britney Spears has really gone through a very difficult time over the past several years, and upon hearing of their engagement, Mayra told the press that she thinks "Britney needs this," alluding to the fact that Sam is her saving grace. Mayra agrees that having a wedding to plan and look forward to, alongside Sam who clearly loves her so much, is exactly what Britney Spears needs in her life right now.
1 Sam Has Good Intentions
For all the naysayers out there, Sam Asghari's ex has just spoken up to reveal that he is a really good man that has nothing but pure love for Britney Spears. Many guests are accusing Sam of taking advantage of Britney Spears and her fortune and say he is being opportunistic with this proposal; Mayra confirms that this just couldn't be further from the truth. She reminds fans that Sam has good intentions with Britney and would never harm her or take advantage of her.